Artists A-Z
A - B
Ackermann, Gerald
D'Aguilar, Sir George
Archer, Val
Ardizzone, Edward
Armfield, Diana
Ashton, John William
Backhouse, James
Becker, Harry
Belle, Marcel
Belloni, Giorgio
Biegel, Peter
Blacklock, William Kay
Bland, Emily Beatrice
Bonheur, Rosa
Brill, Reginald
Brown, Frederick
Brown, Sir John Alfred Arnesby
Brown, W
Bruce-Lockhart, James
Burden, Ruth
Burman, John
C - D
Carrington, Joanna
Charrat, Louis
Chatten, Geoffrey
Chorley, Adrian
Churchyard, Thomas
Clausen, Sir George
Clunas, Laura
Collyer, Peter
Colquhoun, Robert
Coop, Hubert
Cotman, Frederick George
Cotton, Alan
Cox, Garstin
Cuming, Fred
Davidson, Daniel Pender
Devlin, George
Dewhurst, Wynford
Dunlop, Ronald Ossory
Dupuy, Paul Michel
E - G
Easton, Timothy
Epstein, Jacob
Eurich, Richard
Exley, James
Falkner, Anne Louise
Fidler, Harry
Ford, Marcus
Forestier, Rene le
Fuchs, Emil
Gardiner, Gerald
Gauld, David
Genis, René
Gentry, Edward
Gogin, Alma
Green, Jelly
Greenwood, Orlando
H - I
Hanbury, Priscilla
Harke, Evelyn
Harwood, Lucy
Hayllar, Jessica
Hennell, Thomas Barclay
Hely Hutchinson, Nicholas
Hogarth, Lizzie
Houston, Ian
Howard, Ken
Hunt, William Henry
J - Q
Jameson, Frank
Johnson, Keith
Jones, Ernest Yarrow
Joy, John Cantiloe
Joy, Willliam
Kappstein, Carl
Ladbrooke, John Berney
Large, George
Latter, Alan
Lewty, Simon
Lloyd, Mary Constance
Loffler, Hugo
Longueville, James
Lound, Thomas
Ludlow, Mary Sophia
Madeline, Paul
Malthouse, Eric James
Mann, Sargy
Mears, Gunner F J
Mellon, Campbell Archibald
Middleton, John
Montezin, Pierre Eugene
de Montmorency, Miles
Morgan, Glyn
Moroney, Ken
Morrocco, Leon
Morton, Cavendish
Moss, Colin William
Murphy, Sandy
Nash, John Northcote
Osborn, William Evelyn
Pailler, Henri
Pare, David
Parnell, Adrian
Pettitt, Joseph Paul
R - S
Rees, John Bromfield
Remington, Mary
Richards, Frank
Rigg, Ernest Higgins
Robertson, Tom
Rodgers, Liz
Rothenstein, Sir William
Rushton, George Robert
Savage, Jack
Selby-Bigge, Ruth
Sheard, Thomas
Simmons, Sydney Noel
Smith, George
Somerville, Stuart Scott
Sorapure, Charlotte
Speed, Harold
Steer, Philip Wilson
T - Z
Talmage, Algernon Mayow
Taylor, Helen
Thibésart, Raymond
Trefusis, Hilda
Tuke, Henry Scott
Turner, Nicholas
Warman, Oliver
Waterlow, Ernest Albert
Waters, Owen
Watts, James Thomas
White, Franklin
Widhopff, David
Wigg, Charles Mayes
Willis, Henry Brittan
Willock, John Smith
Wilson, Douglas
Wilson, Scottie
Wood, Ursula
Yardley, John
Zinkeisen, Doris
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